October 30, 2013
How do the homeschooling laws differ across state lines?
Living in Texas is not as bad as it may seem. Then again, I don't consider where I live to be "real" Texas. I live in a melting pot of a town, mixed with people from as far away as the Philippines. Texas homeschooling laws are very simple and straightforward. It has three basic rules: Instruct your child(ren) in whichever manner you desire. Use physical books (none of this e-business). Teach them reading, spelling, grammar, math, and good citizenship. (http://thsc.org/homeschooling-in-texas/state-requirements/) Pretty straightforward, right? I think so! We really hit the homeschooling jackpot when we moved down here and we didn't even know it! There aren't any formal record-keeping agencies or requirements for record-keeping, at least not until high-school level. Basically, if your child reaches 17 years old and he/she is on a sixth grade level, that's on YOU.
Homeschooling down here is a BIG deal (makes sense. Everything down here is BIG). They have their own homeschooling coalition down here (www.thsc.org). There's also a Christian homeschooling group based in Austin (https://www.homeschool-life.com/tx/cheact/ ). We haven't joined with either group, because official membership cost money. Besides, the plan is to move back to Maryland when Stephan is done with his contract. That being said...
I looked up the laws regarding homeschooling in the state of Maryland. I must say, for it to be such a progressive state, I am less than impressed. Observe:
"A parent/guardian may instruct a child at home under the supervision of the local school system or through correspondence courses under the supervision of a nonpublic school. A nonpublic school may be a school/institution that offers an educational program operated by a bona fide church organization or a school/institution that has a certificate of approval from the Maryland State Board of Education."
Under the supervision of the local school system? Are you kidding me?! For all that, I might as well re-enroll Jay into public school! The whole purpose of taking him out was to pull him from underneath the oppressive (yeah, I said it) and misguided government-regulated teachings of public school! I suppose some states have laws like this to ensure that all children receive the educational curriculum and resources they are entitled to, but c'mon. My child is MY responsibility and how I choose to educate him is MY right. Some people may not agree and think those laws are helping. To each his own. As for THIS mom, I will teach Jay and Madison what I want them to learn. No. I will teach them what the Lord COMMANDS me to teach.
Maryland, my sweet Old Line State-
I grew up in you. I attended your schools. I still hace your state license. But, right now you're killing me. Your high taxes, progressive stance in "modern day marriage", and rules about homeschooling are turning me off. You have the bomb crabs though. And four seasons. And cities, suburbs, and country backwoods within a 10 mile radius. So, I'll be back. But, I won't be happy about it!